Traverse the Rio Grande through a desert teeming with wildlife and abundant desert flora
Beginning in the rocky mountains of Colorado and ending in a sandy trickle at the Gulf of Mexico, we pick up this mighty river as it traverses the international border between Mexico and the United States. Here, we encounter a desert teeming with life, including evidence of recent migrant crossings and petroglyphs left by ancient travelers who knew no borders some 3,000 years ago.
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Join the #LivingRio campaign to show your support.
Hosted by Rio Grande Waterkeeper - a purposeful partnership between WildEarth Guardians and Waterkeeper Alliance - to protect and restore flows in the iconic Rio Grande to ensure life is sustained throughout the Basin for generations to come.

Sign the petition to Tell Congress to prioritize climate resilience for western rivers and communities
F eatured organizations in episode
F eatured organizations in episode
Water Foundation
Advances lasting solutions to secure safe water for people, restore and sustain freshwater ecosystems, and build climate resilience through direct grantmaking, field building, and campaign strategy development.
Angell Expeditions
Offers river trips on the Rio Grande as well as the Devils River, guide services for hiking and mountain biking, birding, trips into Mexico and vehicle tours in the Big Bend region.
Rio Grande Research Center
Aims to create a structured, science-based, basin-wide perspective for the sustainable use of water resources within the Rio Grande watershed through support for scientific research, educational initiatives, and outreach activities.